Laboratório de Cromatografia Gasosa Bidimensional

Sobre o LabCrom

Criado em 2016, o Laboratório de Cromatografia Gasosa Bidimensional tem como áreas de atuação estudos em petróleo, carvão, biomassa, bio-óleo, óleos essenciais e extratos de plantas.




Daiane Barbosa de Matos Lima - Doutorando
Jamilly Andressa Santos Barros - Doutorando
Mozart Daltro Bispo - Doutorando
Rafael de Oliveira Farrapeira - Doutorando
Adriana Cerqueira Moitinho - Mestrando
Anne Raquel Teixeira Cardoso - Mestrando
Nathália Mendonça Conrado - Mestrando
Sérgio Prado Leite - Mestrando

Produção Científica

Artigo -

Onorevoli, Bruna; DA SILVA MACIEL, GABRIELA PEREIRA; Machado, Maria Elisabete; CORBELINI, VALERIANO; Caramão, Elina B.; JACQUES, ROSÂNGELA A.. Characterization of feedstock and biochar from energetic tobacco seed waste pyrolysis and potential application of biochar as an adsorbent. JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMICAL ENGINEERING, v. 6, p. 1279-1281.

Artigo -

PRIMAZ, CARMEM T.; SCHENA, TIAGO; LAZZARI, ELIANE; Caramão, Elina B.; JACQUES, ROSÂNGELA A.. Influence of the temperature in the yield and composition of the bio-oil from the pyrolysis of spent coffee grounds: Characterization by comprehensive two dimensional gas chromatography. FUEL, v. 232, p. 572-580.

Artigo -

Bispo, Mozart Daltro; SCHNEIDER, JADERSON KLEVESTON; DA SILVA OLIVEIRA, DIEGO; TOMASINI, DEBORA; DA SILVA MACIEL, GABRIELA PEREIRA; SCHENA, TIAGO; Onorevoli, Bruna; BJERK, THIAGO RODRIGUES; JACQUES, Rosângela Assis; Krause, Laiza Canielas; Caramão, Elina Bastos. Production of activated biochar from coconut fiber for the removal of organic compounds from phenolic. JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMICAL ENGINEERING, v. 6, p. 2743-2750.

Artigo -

BARROS, JAMILLY A.S.; KRAUSE, MAURÍCIO C.; LAZZARI, ELIANE; BJERK, THIAGO R.; DO AMARAL, ADRIANE L.; Caramão, Elina B.; KRAUSE, LAIZA C.. Chromatographic characterization of bio-oils from fast pyrolysis of sugar cane residues (straw and bagasse) from four genotypes of the Saccharum Complex. MICROCHEMICAL JOURNAL, v. 137, p. 30-36.

Artigo -

BÜCKER, FRANCIELLE; DE MOURA, TIANE MARTIN; da Cunha, Michele Espinosa; DE QUADROS, PATRICIA DÖRR; BEKER, SABRINA ANDERSON; CAZAROLLI, JUCIANA CLARICE; Caramão, Elina Bastos; FRAZZON, ANA PAULA GUEDES ; BENTO, FÁTIMA MENEZES . Evaluation of the deteriogenic microbial community using qPCR, n-alkanes and FAMEs biodegradation in diesel, biodiesel and blends (B5, B10, and B50) during storage. FUEL, v. 233, p. 911-917.

Artigo -

LAZZARI, ELIANE; SCHENA, TIAGO; MARCELO, MARCELO CAETANO ALEXANDRE; PRIMAZ, CARMEM TATIANE; SILVA, ALINE NUNES; FERRÃO, MARCO FLÔRES; BJERK, THIAGO; Caramão, Elina Bastos. Classification of biomass through their pyrolytic bio-oil composition using FTIR and PCA analysis. INDUSTRIAL CROPS AND PRODUCTS, v. 111, p. 856-864.

Artigo -

DOS SANTOS, ANAÍ L.; NOVAES, ANTÔNIO DA SILVA; POLIDORO, ALLAN DOS S.; DE BARROS, MÁRCIO EDUARDO; MOTA, JONAS S.; LIMA, DAIANE B.M.; KRAUSE, LAIZA C.; CARDOSO, CLÁUDIA A.L.; JACQUES, ROSÂNGELA A.; Caramão, Elina B.. Chemical characterisation of Piper amalago (Piperaceae) essential oil by comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography coupled with rapid-scanning quadrupole mass spectrometry (GC×GC/qMS) and their antilithiasic activity and acute toxicity. PHYTOCHEMICAL ANALYSIS, v. 2018, p. 1-14.

Artigo -

POLIDORO, ALLAN DOS SANTOS; SCAPIN, ENELISE; LAZZARI, ELIANE; SILVA, ALINE NUNES; DOS SANTOS, ANAÍ LOREIRO; Caramão, Elina Bastos; JACQUES, Rosângela Assis . Valorization of coffee silverskin industrial waste by pyrolysis: From optimization of bio-oil production to chemical characterization by GC-×-GC/qMS. JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL AND APPLIED PYROLYSIS, v. 129, p. 43-52.

Artigo -

MACIEL, G. P. S.; LAZZARI, ELIANE; BJERK, THIAGO R.; AHMAD, S. M.; CARVALHO, A. P.; NOGUEIRA, J. M. F. CARAMAO, ELINA. Trace Analysis of Carbazole in Commercial Diesel by using Adsorption on Activated Biochar from Rice Husk Pyrolysis. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING RESEARCH & SCIENCE, v. 3, p. 46-57.

Artigo -

Filho, Pedro José Sanches; SILVEIRA, LUCAS ALDRIGUI; Betemps, Glauco Rasmussen; MONTENEGRO, GISSELE OLIVEIRA; SAMPAIO, DANIELE MARTIN; Caramão, Elina Bastos. Application of the SARA method for determination of hydrocarbons by GC/qMS in bio-oil obtained by fast pyrolysis of rice husk. MICROCHEMICAL JOURNAL, v. 135, p. 226-238.

Artigo -

DOS SANTOS, ANAÍ L.; POLIDORO, ALLAN DOS S.; CARDOSO, CLÁUDIA A. L.; BATISTOTE, MARGARETH; DO CARMO VIEIRA, MARIA; JACQUES, ROSÂNGELA A.; Caramão, Elina B.. GC×GC/qMS analyses of Campomanesia guazumifolia (Cambess.) O. Berg essential oils and their antioxidant and antimicrobial activity. NATURAL PRODUCT RESEARCH, v. 2017, p. 1-5.

Artigo -

Onorevoli, Bruna; MACHADO, MARIA E.; POLIDORO, ALLAN DOS S.; CORBELINI, VALERIANO A.; Caramão, Elina B.; JACQUES, ROSÂNGELA A.. Pyrolysis of Residual Tobacco Seeds: Characterization of Nitrogen Compounds in Bio-oil Using Comprehensive Two-Dimensional Gas Chromatography with Mass Spectrometry Detection. ENERGY & FUELS, v. 31, p. 9402-9407.

Artigo -

BJERK, THIAGO RODRIGUES; Machado, Maria Elisabete; Caramão, Elina Bastos; Tranchida, Peter Q.; Mondello, Luigi; ZINI, Claudia Alcaraz. Moduladores de Fluxo para Cromatografia Gasosa Bidimensional Abrangente. SCIENTIA CHROMATOGRAPHICA, v. 9, p. 101-116.

Artigo -

BETEMPS, GLAUCO R.; SILVEIRA, LUCAS A. ; SAMPAIO, DANIELE M. ; BISPO, MOZART D. ; KRAUSE, LAIZA C. ; CARAMÃO, ELINA B. ; SANCHES FILHO, PEDRO J. ; DA CUNHA, MICHELE E. . Chromatographic characterization of bio-oil generated from rapid pyrolysis of rice husk in stainless steel reactor. MICROCHEMICAL JOURNAL, v. 134, p. 218-223.

Artigo -

TORRI, ISADORA DALLA VECCHIA; PAASIKALLIO, VILLE; Faccini, Candice Schmitt; HUFF, RAFAEL; Caramão, Elina Bastos; SACON, VERA; OASMAA, ANJA; ZINI, Claudia Alcaraz. Bio-oil production of softwood and hardwood forest industry residues through fast and intermediate pyrolysis and its chromatographic characterization. Bioresource Technology, v. 200, p. 680-690.

Artigo -

PEREIRA DA SILVA MACIEL, GABRIELA; Machado, Maria Elisabete; BARBARÁ, JANAÍNA AITH; MOLIN, DANIELA DAL; Caramão, Elina Bastos; JACQUES, Rosângela Assis . GC × GC/TOFMS analysis concerning the identification of organic compounds extracted from the aqueous phase of sugarcane straw fast pyrolysis oil. Biomass & Bioenergy, v. 85, p. 198-206.

Artigo -

LAZZARI, ELIANE; SCHENA, TIAGO; PRIMAZ, CARMEM TATIANE; DA SILVA MACIEL, GABRIELA PEREIRA; Machado, Maria Elisabete; CARDOSO, CLAUDIA ANDREA LIMA; JACQUES, ROSANGELA ASSIS; Caramão, Elina Bastos. Production and chromatographic characterization of bio-oil from the pyrolysis of mango seed waste. Industrial Crops and Products (Print), v. 83, p. 529-536.

Artigo -

CARDOSO, CLAUDIA ANDREA LIMA; Machado, Maria Elisabete; Caramão, Elina Bastos. Characterization of bio-oils obtained from pyrolysis of bocaiuva residues. Renewable Energy, v. 91, p. 21-31.

Artigo -

SCHNEIDER, JADERSON K.; CUNHA, MICHELE E. DA; BRASIL, MÁRCIA C.; MACHADO, MARIA E.; JACQUES, ROSÂNGELA A.; Caramão, Elina B.. A importância do software na análise dos resultados em GC×GC: estudo comparativo dos softwares GCImageTM e ChromaTOFTM. Scientia Chromatographica, v. 8, p. 35-48.

Artigo -

POLIDORO, ALLAN DOS S.; SCAPIN, ENELISE; MALMANN, MILENA; DO CARMO, JENNIFFER U.; MACHADO, MARIA E.; Caramão, Elina B.; JACQUES, ROSÂNGELA A. . Characterization of volatile fractions in green mate and mate leaves (Ilex paraguariensis A. St. Hil.) by comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography coupled to time-of-flight mass spectrometry (GC×GC/TOFMS). Microchemical Journal (Print), v. 128, p. 118-127.

Artigo -

SOUSA, JOÃO; BEZERRA, MARCIO; ALMEIDA, MARLON; MOURE, GUSTAVO; MESA-PEREZ, JUAN; CARAMAO, ELINA. Characteristics of Bio-oil from the Fast Pyrolysis of Elephant Grass (Pennisetum purpureum Schumach) in a Fluidized Bed Reactor. American Chemical Science Journal, v. 14, p. 1-10.

Artigo -

CARDOSO, CLAUDIA ANDREA L.; Machado, Maria Elisabete; MAIA, FRANKSTEFFEN S.; ARRUDA, GIBERTO JOSE; Caramão, Elina B.. GC×GC-TOF/MS Analysis of Bio-Oils Obtained from Pyrolysis of Acuri and Baru Residues. Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society (Impresso), v. 27, p. 2149-2159.

Artigo -

BJERK, THIAGO R.; DE MENEZES, ELIANA W. ; PEREIRA, MARCELO B.; Caramão, Elina B. ; BENVENUTTI, EDILSON V. ; ZINI, CLÁUDIA A. . Silver bonded to silica gel applied to the separation of polycyclic aromatic sulfur heterocycles in heavy gas oil. JOURNAL OF CHROMATOGRAPHY A, v. 1470, p. 104-110.

Artigo -

Cappelli Fontanive, Fernando; SOUZA-SILVA, ÉRICA APARECIDA; MACEDO DA SILVA, JULIANA; Bastos Caramão, Elina; ALCARAZ ZINI, CLAUDIA. Characterization of sulfur and nitrogen compounds in Brazilian petroleum derivatives using ionic liquid capillary columns in comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography with time-of-flight mass spectrometric detection. JOURNAL OF CHROMATOGRAPHY A, v. 1461, p. 131-143.

Artigo -

SOARES, Rafael Dutra ; WELKE, JULIANE ELISA ; NICOLLI, KARINE PRIMIERI ; ZANUS, MAURO; Caramão, Elina Bastos; MANFROI, VITOR; Zini, Cláudia Alcaraz . Monitoring the evolution of volatile compounds using gas chromatography during the stages of production of Moscatel sparkling wine. Food Chemistry, v. 183, p. 291-304.

Artigo -

BOGUSZ JUNIOR, STANISLAU; MARÇO, PAULO HENRIQUE; VALDERRAMA, PATRÍCIA; Damasceno, Flaviana Cardoso; ARANDA, MARIA SILVANA; Zini, Cláudia Alcaraz; Caramão, Elina Bastos; TAVARES MELO, ARLETE MARCHI ; FILHO, JOSÉ TEIXIERA; GODOY, HELENA TEIXEIRA . Analysis of volatile compounds in Capsicum spp. by headspace solid-phase microextraction and GC × GC-TOFMS. Analytical Methods (Print), v. 7, p. 521-529.

Artigo -

DURANGE, JOSILAINE A. C. ; DE SOUZA, MATHEUS O. ; SANTOS, MARGARETH R. L. ; NELE, MÁRCIO; Caramão, Elina B. ; CARVALHO, NAKÉDIA M. F. ; PEREIRA, MARCELO M. . Valorization of Sugar Cane Bagasse and Jatropha Curcas Cake: Production of a Biocrude by Acetylation Reaction under Microwave Radiation. Energy & Fuels (Print), v. 29, p. 917-921.

Artigo -

DOS SANTOS, ANAÍ L. ; POLIDORO, ALLAN DOS S. ; SCHNEIDER, JADERSON K. ; DA CUNHA, MICHELE E. ; SAUCIER, CAROLINE ; JACQUES, ROSANGELA A. ; CARDOSO, CLÁUDIA A.L. ; MOTA, JONAS S. ; Caramão, Elina B. . Comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography time-of-flight mass spectrometry (GC×GC/TOFMS) for the analysis of volatile compounds in Piper regnellii (Miq.) C. DC. essential oils. Microchemical Journal (Print), v. 118, p. 242-251.

Artigo -

BRUNETTI, ANDRÉS E.; MERIB, JOSIAS; CARASEK, EDUARDO; Caramão, Elina B.; BARBARÁ, JANAINA; Zini, Claudia A.; FAIVOVICH, JULIÁN. Frog Volatile Compounds: Application of in vivo SPME for the Characterization of the Odorous Secretions from Two Species of Hypsiboas Treefrogs. Journal of Chemical Ecology, v. 41, p. 360-372.

Artigo -

FRANCHINA, FLAVIO ANTONIO; Machado, Maria Elisabete; TRANCHIDA, PETER QUINTO; Zini, Cláudia Alcaraz; Caramão, Elina Bastos; Mondello, Luigi. Determination of aromatic sulphur compounds in heavy gas oil by using (low) flow modulated comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography-triple quadrupole mass spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography (Print), v. 1387, p. 86-94.

Artigo -

GARAVAGLIA, JULIANO; SCHNEIDER, ROSANA DE CASSIA DE SOUZA; CAMARGO MENDES, SANDRA DENISE; WELKE, JULIANE ELISA; Zini, Cláudia Alcaraz; Caramão, Elina Bastos; VALENTE, PATRÍCIA . Evaluation of Zygosaccharomyces bailii BCV 08 as a co-starter in wine fermentation for the improvement of ethyl esters production. Microbiological Research (Print), v. 173, p. 59-65.

Artigo -

MACIEL, GABRIELA P. S.; MACHADO, MARIA E.; DA CUNHA, MICHELE E.; LAZZARI, ELIANE; DA SILVA, JULIANA M.; JACQUES, ROSÂNGELA A.; KRAUSE, LAIZA C.; BARROS, JAMILY A. S.; Caramão, Elina B.. Quantification of nitrogen compounds in diesel fuel samples by comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography coupled with quadrupole mass spectrometry. Journal of Separation Science (Print), v. 38, p. 4071-4077.

Artigo -

NICOLLI, KARINE P.; WELKE, JULIANE E.; CLOSS, MAYARA; Caramão, Elina B.; COSTA, GUSTAVO; MANFROI, VITOR; Zini, Claudia A.. Characterization of the Volatile Profile of Brazilian Moscatel Sparkling Wines Through Solid Phase Microextraction and Gas Chromatography. Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society (Impresso), v. 26, p. 1411-1430.

Artigo -

WELKE, JULIANE E.; DAMASCENO, FLAVIANA C.; NICOLLI, KARINE P.; MENTZ, LILIAN; Caramão, Elina B.; PULGATI, FERNANDO H.; ZINI, CLÁUDIA A.. Preliminary Investigation of Medicinal Herb Adulteration Using Comprehensive Two-Dimensional Gas Chromatography and Chemometric Analysis. Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society (Impresso), v. 26, p. 1232-1246.

Artigo -

BEKER, SABRINA A.; Machado, Maria Elisabete; MACIEL, GABRIELA P. S.; SILVA, ROSÂNGELA; CATALUÑA, RENATO; Caramão, Elina B. ; BENTO, FATIMA M. . Antimicrobial Potential of Bio-Oil for Use in Diesel Oil B10. Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society (Impresso), v. 27, p. 91-98.