Organizational Structure

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Board Executivo

The ITP administrative structure is composed of the Council of Trustees, President, and Executive Boards. Planning and account payments  are conducted by the Fiscal Council.

Jouberto Uchôa de Mendonça

Jouberto Uchôa de Mendonça

President of the Board of Trustees

Bachelor’s in Legal Sciences and graduate degree in Educational Administation. Founder and Chairman of the Tiradentes Group, managing institutions of higher education in five states in the Northeast of Brazil.

Telephone Ext: 2134 (Rectory Building)

Paulo do Eirado Dias Filho

Paulo do Eirado Dias Filho


He has a degree in Pedagogy and a postgraduate degree in Business Pedagogy. He was a university professor and has experience in the area of Computer Science, with emphasis on Computer Systems, Business Administration, Capital Market Analysis, and Education. He is a member of the Study and Research Group in Informatics in Education - GEPIED (CNPQ/UFS). He is the president of the Micael Social Institute. He is the CEO of the Micael Pedagogical Association. He is the founder and occupant of Chair 31 of ASE - Sergipe Academy of Education. He is a mentor of TIC - Tiradentes Innovation Center. He was the Regional Director of SENAC/SE, was the Director-Superintendent of SEBRAE/SE, and is currently the CEO of ITP - Institute of Technology and Research, linked to the Tiradentes group.

Telephone Ext: 2043 (President’s Office)

Jouberto Uchôa de Mendonça Junior

Jouberto Uchôa de Mendonça Junior

Vice President

Bachelor’s in Law from UniversidadeTiradentes, specializing in University Administration from the Inter-American University Organization at Unit. Master’s degree in Communication from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro.

Telephone Ext: 2226 (Superintendent’s Office)

Francisco Almeida

Francisco Almeida

Director of Administrative and Financial Affa

Graduated in Business Administration from the Federal University of Sergipe (UFS), Postgraduate MBA in Logistics and Operations, Specialist in Quality Processes, Executive MBA in Business Management from the Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV), and International Executive Plus at the University of Valladolid, Spain. With consolidated experience in management activities in the Administrative and Financial areas, Process Management, Quality Management, Supply Management, Logistics, and Operations. Has worked as Corporate Director of Infrastructure and Supply and Services at the Tiradentes Group, and Administrative Financial Pro-Rector at Tiradentes University (UNIT). Also works as a professor and instructor of management courses in undergraduate and postgraduate/MBA programs, both in face-to-face and distance learning formats.

Telephone Ext: