It is with great enthusiasm that the Institute of Technology and Research (ITP) announces the pre-event in partnership with Sergipe OIL & GAS.
The Energy Workshop: Science and Technology in Sergipe aims to strengthen the bonds between our institution and the Energy sector companies present at Sergipe OIL&GAS.
Date: August 15, 2023
Time: 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Venue: Arena of the Innovation Center, Murilo Dantas Avenue, 300, Farolândia, Aracaju, Sergipe.
The event will feature a program full of enriching activities:
3:00 PM - Welcome and Introduction (ITP), Innovation Center, and UNIT
3:55 PM - Visit to ITP's Laboratories
3:55 PM - LABCROM (Prof. Thiago and Prof. Elina)
4:10 PM - LEN (Prof. Giancarlo/Prof. Katlin)
4:25 PM - LEB/LTRE (Prof. Ranyere/Prof. Cleide)
4:40 PM - NUESC/LPCI/LSINCRON/PVT (Prof. Dariva/Prof. Gustavo/Prof. Silvia)
Registration for the event is free and limited.
We count on your presence so that together we can promote interaction and knowledge exchange between institutions and companies in the Energy sector.
As inscrições são gratuitas pelo telefone 79 3218-2190 ou por e-mail